Monday, June 1, 2015

The Day we Won Some and Lost Some

Our camp at the foot of the glacier created mountain. 

Today was a day of gains and losses.  However, the gains outweigh the losses.  

We made it Many Glaciers on the east side of Glacier.  It was called thus because, well it has many glaciers.  It was truly the most stunning place that we were able to see in the park.   It was almost an Alps like feeling.  A pristine lake in the middle of towering glacier cut mountains.  Pretty awe inspiring.  I highly recommend this area.  No way the cell phone or any camera pictures can do it justice. 

We took a beautiful hike along the lake (Swiftcurrent Lake)  here the first of our losses happened as the new lens cap of Sara's camera took a hike also.  However, she got a million pictures of the area anyway.    as a randome side note, there is a cute chalet style hotel along the banks, looking out on these mountains and lake.   If any of you are looking for an amazing retreat, we recommend.  

Our next hike ran along the swift current falls.  4 waterfalls of that glacial green-blue water poured over these falls with powerful beauty.  I can't even explain the feelings of wonderment and beauty these falls evoked.

Sara's camera took a tumble here....but, thankfully there was no serious damage.

We went to the ranger station to ask them about how to find mountain goats and other critters (and for Sara to prove she was correct in her insistence that the squirrel they saw was not a chipmunk)

Sara and Janae quizzed the kind ranger about everything animal and glacier and rock.   She answered everything and we went away happy.  However, Janae's key fob somehow went astray. 

Finally, we went and searched the mountain side for mountain goats and were able to locate 6 high on the mountain.  

Our gains far out weighed our losses.  Though we are going to be retracing our steps tomorrow to see if we can find our losses and maybe see what other critters come out after the rain. 

Bon voyage.