Since we had a late start to our trip, we ended not reaching Glacier until today. We spent the night somewhere in Montana in a campground off of the road.
We finally made it to the West Glacier this afternoon. Our plans to explore the park were thwarted because the road that ran through the park was closed in the middle. It opens Monday. sheesh.
However, we did get to go down the road a little ways to Lake McDonald. It was beautiful!!! We found several awesome waterfalls and beautiful rocks!
It started to rain pretty hard, so we decided to drive around the park to the east entrance so that we could find a place to camp for the night. We were able to get to St. Mary's lake, a stunning area of large mountains created by glaciers and a large, clear lake.
Unfortunately, what we couldn't find was a place to spend the night. All the campgrounds were closed except the ones that cost 50 dollars. This trip is already costing us an arm and a leg...and we got a trailer so that we could camp anywhere. Finally, Janae was able to sleuth out an abandoned campground. And by abandoned I mean just grass and some tracks where people might have driven on a long time back.
However, we have the best views of all the campgrounds and we can sing as loudly as we want. Go team!!! Here are some pictures from our trailer and inside our trailer. My bed, (before I added blankets Janae's bed (with all the blankets), and our cooking area...tonight was beef stirfry.
Remember that these are just our cell phone pictures. Anticipate our more fabulous pictures from our actual cameras when we return home.
We were able to make it through the day without any!!!! 1 day out of 2 ain't bad. So Thanks for watching our trip! xoxo